--> --> -->
<type 'exceptions.IOError'>
Python 2.7.17: /usr/bin/python
Sun Dec 1 20:57:16 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /var/www/bonito/run.cgi in <module>()
     83         print "</pre>"
     84     else:
=>   85         BonitoCGI(user=username).run_unprotected (selectorname='corpname')
     87 # vim: ts=4 sw=4 sta et sts=4 si tw=80:
BonitoCGI = <class __main__.BonitoCGI>, user undefined, username = None, ).run_unprotected undefined, selectorname undefined
 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/CGIPublisher.py in run_unprotected(self=<__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, path=['view'], selectorname='corpname', outf=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>)
    241         if self._has_access or path[0] == 'feedback':
    242             methodname, tmpl, result = self.process_method (path[0], path,
=>  243                                                                     named_args)
    244         else: # redirect to login or raise error
    245             methodname = path[0]
named_args = {'attrs': u'word', 'corpname': u'coliweb', 'ctxattrs': u'word', 'gdexcnt': u'0', 'pagesize': u'50', 'q': [u'q[lemma=="At&t"]', u'n0 0>0 0 [word="AT&T"]', u'r250', u'f', u'sword/i -1<0~-3<0', u'p0 0>0 0 [tag="NPR"]'], 'refs': u'doc', 'viewmode': u'sen'}
 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/CGIPublisher.py in process_method(self=<__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, methodname='view', pos_args=['view'], named_args={'attrs': u'word', 'corpname': u'coliweb', 'ctxattrs': u'word', 'gdexcnt': u'0', 'pagesize': u'50', 'q': [u'q[lemma=="At&t"]', u'n0 0>0 0 [word="AT&T"]', u'r250', u'f', u'sword/i -1<0~-3<0', u'p0 0>0 0 [tag="NPR"]'], 'refs': u'doc', 'viewmode': u'sen'})
    289             return (methodname,
    290                     getattr (method, 'template', methodname + '.tmpl'),
=>  291                     self.call_method (method, pos_args, named_args))
    292         except Exception, e:
    293             if self.format in self.export_formats:
self = <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, self.call_method = <bound method BonitoCGI.call_method of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>, method = <bound method BonitoCGI.view of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>, pos_args = ['view'], named_args = {'attrs': u'word', 'corpname': u'coliweb', 'ctxattrs': u'word', 'gdexcnt': u'0', 'pagesize': u'50', 'q': [u'q[lemma=="At&t"]', u'n0 0>0 0 [word="AT&T"]', u'r250', u'f', u'sword/i -1<0~-3<0', u'p0 0>0 0 [tag="NPR"]'], 'refs': u'doc', 'viewmode': u'sen'}
 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/CGIPublisher.py in call_method(self=<__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, method=<bound method BonitoCGI.view of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>, args=['view'], named_args={'attrs': u'word', 'corpname': u'coliweb', 'ctxattrs': u'word', 'gdexcnt': u'0', 'pagesize': u'50', 'q': [u'q[lemma=="At&t"]', u'n0 0>0 0 [word="AT&T"]', u'r250', u'f', u'sword/i -1<0~-3<0', u'p0 0>0 0 [tag="NPR"]'], 'refs': u'doc', 'viewmode': u'sen'})
    148         na = named_args.copy()
    149         correct_types (na, function_defaults (method), 1, safe=0)
=>  150         return apply (method, args[1:], na)
    152     def call_function (self, func, args, **named_args):
builtin apply = <built-in function apply>, method = <bound method BonitoCGI.view of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>, args = ['view'], na = {}
 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/conccgi.py in view(self=<__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, change_gdex=True)
    706                     del self.q[i]
    707                 i += 1
=>  708         conc = self.call_function (conclib.get_conc, (self._corp(),))
    709         if not conc.size():
    710             if self.exceptmethod == 'PREV-CONC':
conc undefined, self = <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, self.call_function = <bound method BonitoCGI.call_function of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>, global conclib = <module 'conclib' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/conclib.py'>, conclib.get_conc = <function get_conc>, self._corp = <bound method BonitoCGI._corp of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>
 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/CGIPublisher.py in call_function(self=<__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, func=<function get_conc>, args=(<manatee.Corpus; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Corpus *' at 0x7faa9cc80de0> >,), **named_args={})
    154         na.update (named_args)
    155         correct_types (na, function_defaults (func), 1, safe=0)
=>  156         return apply (func, args, na)
    158     def clone_self (self, safe=1):
builtin apply = <built-in function apply>, func = <function get_conc>, args = (<manatee.Corpus; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Corpus *' at 0x7faa9cc80de0> >,), na = {'_cache_dir': '/var/lib/bonito/cache', 'async': 1, 'debug': None, 'fromp': 1, 'pagesize': 50, 'q': [u'q[lemma=="At&t"]', u'n0 0>0 0 [word="AT&T"]', u'r250', u'f', u'sword/i -1<0~-3<0', u'p0 0>0 0 [tag="NPR"]'], 'samplesize': 10000000, 'save': 1}
 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/conclib.py in get_conc(corp=<manatee.Corpus; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Corpus *' at 0x7faa9cc80de0> >, minsize=-1, q=(u'q[lemma=="At&t"]', u'n0 0>0 0 [word="AT&T"]', u'r250', u'f', u'sword/i -1<0~-3<0', u'p0 0>0 0 [tag="NPR"]'), fromp=1, pagesize=50, async=1, save=1, _cache_dir='/var/lib/bonito/cache/coliweb/', samplesize=10000000, debug=None)
    391         else: # synchronous processing
    392             conc = get_sync_conc (corp, q, save, _cache_dir, pid_dir,
=>  393                                   subchash, samplesize, fullsize)
    395     # process subsequent concordance actions
subchash = None, samplesize = 10000000, fullsize = -1
 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/conclib.py in get_sync_conc(corp=<manatee.Corpus; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Corpus *' at 0x7faa9cc80de0> >, q=(u'q[lemma=="At&t"]', u'n0 0>0 0 [word="AT&T"]', u'r250', u'f', u'sword/i -1<0~-3<0', u'p0 0>0 0 [tag="NPR"]'), save=1, _cache_dir='/var/lib/bonito/cache/coliweb/', pid_dir='/var/lib/bonito/cache/coliweb//run/', subchash=None, samplesize=10000000, fullsize=-1)
    258     if save: # save=0 => processes entirely independent
    259         cachefile, pidfile, server = add_to_map (_cache_dir, pid_dir,
=>  260                                                  subchash, q[:1], -1)
    261         if type(server) == int: # computation got started meanwhile
    262             conc = get_existing_conc (corp, subchash, q[:1], _cache_dir,
subchash = None, q = (u'q[lemma=="At&t"]', u'n0 0>0 0 [word="AT&T"]', u'r250', u'f', u'sword/i -1<0~-3<0', u'p0 0>0 0 [tag="NPR"]')
 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/conccache.py in add_to_map(_cache_dir='/var/lib/bonito/cache/coliweb/', pid_dir='/var/lib/bonito/cache/coliweb//run/', subchash=None, key=(u'q[lemma=="At&t"]',), size=-1)
     61         f.seek(0)
     62         cPickle.dump (kmap, f)
=>   63         server = ConcServer (pid_dir + ret + ".log")
     64         pidfile = open(pid_dir + ret + ".pid", "w")
     65         pidfile.write (str(server.server_port) + "\n")
server undefined, global ConcServer = <class concsrv.ConcServer>, pid_dir = '/var/lib/bonito/cache/coliweb//run/', ret = 'lemmaAtt'
 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/concsrv.py in __init__(self=<concsrv.ConcServer instance>, logfile='/var/lib/bonito/cache/coliweb//run/lemmaAtt.log')
     67         self.logfile = open(logfile, "w", 0) # unbuffered => always flush
     68         sys.stderr = self.logfile
=>   69         self.logfile.write("Started\n")
     71 def get_server_conc_sizes (server_port):
self = <concsrv.ConcServer instance>, self.logfile = <open file '/var/lib/bonito/cache/coliweb//run/lemmaAtt.log', mode 'w'>, self.logfile.write = <built-in method write of file object>

<type 'exceptions.IOError'>: [Errno 28] No space left on device
      args = (28, 'No space left on device')
      errno = 28
      filename = None
      message = ''
      strerror = 'No space left on device' --> -->
<type 'exceptions.IOError'>
Python 2.7.17: /usr/bin/python
Sun Dec 1 20:57:16 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

<type 'exceptions.IOError'>: [Errno 28] No space left on device
      args = (28, 'No space left on device')
      errno = 28
      filename = None
      message = ''
      strerror = 'No space left on device'