A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/CGIPublisher.py in run_unprotected(self=<__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, path=['view'], selectorname='corpname', outf=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>) |
241 if self._has_access or path[0] == 'feedback':
242 methodname, tmpl, result = self.process_method (path[0], path,
=> 243 named_args)
244 else: # redirect to login or raise error
245 methodname = path[0]
named_args = {'attrs': u'word,tag,lemma', 'corpname': u'coliweb', 'ctxattrs': u'word', 'gdexcnt': u'3', 'pagesize': u'100', 'q': [u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'r250', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'f', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', ...], 'refs': u'=doc.sito,=doc.categoria', 'viewmode': u'kwic'} |
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/CGIPublisher.py in process_method(self=<__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, methodname='view', pos_args=['view'], named_args={'attrs': u'word,tag,lemma', 'corpname': u'coliweb', 'ctxattrs': u'word', 'gdexcnt': u'3', 'pagesize': u'100', 'q': [u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'r250', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'f', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', ...], 'refs': u'=doc.sito,=doc.categoria', 'viewmode': u'kwic'}) |
289 return (methodname,
290 getattr (method, 'template', methodname + '.tmpl'),
=> 291 self.call_method (method, pos_args, named_args))
292 except Exception, e:
293 if self.format in self.export_formats:
self = <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, self.call_method = <bound method BonitoCGI.call_method of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>, method = <bound method BonitoCGI.view of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>, pos_args = ['view'], named_args = {'attrs': u'word,tag,lemma', 'corpname': u'coliweb', 'ctxattrs': u'word', 'gdexcnt': u'3', 'pagesize': u'100', 'q': [u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'r250', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'f', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', ...], 'refs': u'=doc.sito,=doc.categoria', 'viewmode': u'kwic'} |
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/CGIPublisher.py in call_method(self=<__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, method=<bound method BonitoCGI.view of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>, args=['view'], named_args={'attrs': u'word,tag,lemma', 'corpname': u'coliweb', 'ctxattrs': u'word', 'gdexcnt': u'3', 'pagesize': u'100', 'q': [u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'r250', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'f', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', ...], 'refs': u'=doc.sito,=doc.categoria', 'viewmode': u'kwic'}) |
148 na = named_args.copy()
149 correct_types (na, function_defaults (method), 1, safe=0)
=> 150 return apply (method, args[1:], na)
152 def call_function (self, func, args, **named_args):
builtin apply = <built-in function apply>, method = <bound method BonitoCGI.view of <__main__.BonitoCGI instance>>, args = ['view'], na = {} |
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/CGIPublisher.py in call_function(self=<__main__.BonitoCGI instance>, func=<function get_conc>, args=(<manatee.Corpus; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Corpus *' at 0x7fcfec299300> >,), **named_args={}) |
154 na.update (named_args)
155 correct_types (na, function_defaults (func), 1, safe=0)
=> 156 return apply (func, args, na)
158 def clone_self (self, safe=1):
builtin apply = <built-in function apply>, func = <function get_conc>, args = (<manatee.Corpus; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Corpus *' at 0x7fcfec299300> >,), na = {'_cache_dir': '/var/lib/bonito/cache', 'async': 1, 'debug': None, 'fromp': 1, 'pagesize': 100, 'q': [u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'r250', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'f', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', ...], 'samplesize': 10000000, 'save': 1} |
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bonito/conclib.py in get_conc(corp=<manatee.Corpus; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Corpus *' at 0x7fcfec299300> >, minsize=-1, q=(u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'r250', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'f', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', ...), fromp=1, pagesize=100, async=1, save=1, _cache_dir='/var/lib/bonito/cache/coliweb/', samplesize=10000000, debug=None) |
396 for act in range(toprocess, len(q)):
397 command = q[act][0]
=> 398 getattr (conc, 'command_' + command) (q[act][1:])
399 if command in 'gaLE':# user specific/volatile actions, cannot save
400 save = 0
builtin getattr = <built-in function getattr>, conc = <pyconc.PyConc; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Concordance *' at 0x7fcfec117660> >, command = u'R', q = (u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'r250', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', u'sword/i 1>0~3>0', u'Fdoc', u'sword/i 0<0~0>0', u'f', u'Rq[lemma=="altro"]', u'r250', u'n0 0>0 0 [tag="DET:indef"]', u'f', ...), act = 8 |
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/manatee.py in <lambda>(self=<pyconc.PyConc; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Concordance *' at 0x7fcfec117660> >, name='command_R') |
989 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, Concordance, name, value)
990 __swig_getmethods__ = {}
=> 991 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, Concordance, name)
992 __repr__ = _swig_repr
__getattr__ undefined, self = <pyconc.PyConc; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Concordance *' at 0x7fcfec117660> >, name = 'command_R', global _swig_getattr = <function _swig_getattr>, global Concordance = <class 'manatee.Concordance'> |